Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Urgent appeal

As you may already know, the unrest in Libya has left many without their basic needs such as shelter, food, water and hygiene. Medical supplies are also urgently needed due to many people being injured.

It's not easy watching the news and feeling helpless but there are ways you can help.

The Red Cross, Islamic relief and UNICEF are collecting donations to provide help such as sending food and medical supplies to Libya. You can help just by donating £1 to any of these charities. If 50 people did this, 10 people in Libya can be supplied with a hygiene kit from Islamic Relief. If you can donate more than this then even better!

So please visit the following links to learn about how these charities are helping and to donate.

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (click on Libya (Medical assistance) to donate to this cause)

Also, share this with your friends and family.



1 comment:

Pretty Little Funker said...

I am going to view the link babes! I think that was lovely what you done, all the best. Kimbox xxxxxxxxx