Friday 23 September 2011

Dr.Hauschka Lemon Lemongrass Body Oil review

As promised, I'm finally reviewing the Dr.Hauschka Lemon Lemongrass Body Oil.

This product is described as 'This invigorating oil enhances the skin's elasticity and helps to discourage cellulite.'

This sounded great for me. I had no cellulite when I used to go to the gym but as I've been gaining weight, it came back. Booo :(

I don't know whether this product just discourages cellulite or it reduces it too but from what I've heard, lemongrass oil is great for decreasing fluid retention in the body. I haven't been using it long enough to personally see any difference on the amount of cellulite I have but even so it would still be difficult to know whether any reduction in cellulite is caused by the oil or the massage.

Whether it will do anything for my cellulite or not, the moisturising properties of this product is amazing. I've been using lotions and creams on my legs for years and could never find anything to get rid of the keratosis pilaris on my outer thighs. But my legs must love the oil as they soak it right up really quickly and I've noticed a big difference even after the first application. No more bumpy legs, yay!

Another thing I love about this is how easy it is to massage around my body. I get annoyed with some creams that take forever to spread and be absorbed but it's super quick to apply this after a shower.

I also LOVE the smell. Lemongrass smells delicious.

So even though I'm not so sure about the cellulite busting properties, I would recommend this as a body oil if you have really dry skin or keratosis. Seriously worth the money!

Dr.Hauschka Lemon Lemongrass body oil is available at Love Lula for £17.95.


1 comment:

tracey said...

i hav keratosis pilaris too. had it 4 years! and even expensive creams never did it for me. thanks for sharing this. i think i'll give it ago.